Gem Reports


Gem Report Service

We do all kinds of identification on colored stones and diamonds. We always perform necessary tests to give a proper conclusion. Our main product, the Gem Brief, is colour coded to instantly, at a glance, tell what type of gem you have before you. This ingenious way was first presented by the Bangkok gem laboratory Lotus Gemology and we found it so ingenious that we incorporated it into our own line, with the blessing of Richard W Hughes founder of Lotus Gemology.

Opinion and Brief Rates

Opinions are just written on a A4 letter with no authenticity code. Just signature of gemmologist and contact information. VAT will be added to all prices.

Opinions and Briefs Per Object

Mineral, Opinion - €50 - 550 SEK

Gem, Opinion - €60 - 650 SEK

Diamond, Opinion - €60 - 650 SEK

Mineral Brief- €100 - 1100 SEK

Gem Brief - €110 - 1200 SEK

Diamond Brief - €110 - 1200 SEK

Full and Prestige Report Rates

The full report comes in A5 format. Prestige report for important gems includes a gem brief, photomicrographs of inclusions as well as images of different spectra. They can always be verifed for authenticity online. VAT will be added to all prices.

Full Reports per object

Mineral Report - €180 - 1900 SEK

Gem Report - €230 - 2400 SEK 

Diamond report - €250 - 2600 SEK

Prestige Report, per object

Prestige Gem Report - €350 - 3750 SEK

Additional objects same ID report at same time

–  20 % discount.


The most rudimentary of our reports. A simple written opinion regarding ID.


Our Gem Briefs are reports in the size of a credit card containing identification data and the conclusion. Authenticity can be verified via a QR-code.

See example here


The full reports have additional information compared to the Gem Brief. For instance images of the object. The prestige report includes also analysis results and spectrum images from FTIR, Raman and Photoluminescence tests as well as photomicrographs of inclusions. A gem brief is part of the prestige report.